






Design, direct, and track your frontline operations.

Design, direct, and track your frontline operations.

Design, direct, and track your frontline operations.

Take control of your frontline operations with our patented wearable experience and operational intelligence.

Our platform offers efficient and intelligent optimization that increases accuracy and boosts productivity.

Take control of your frontline operations with our patented wearable experience and operational intelligence. Our platform offers efficient and intelligent optimization that increases accuracy and boosts productivity.

Take control of your frontline operations with our patented wearable experience and operational intelligence. Our platform offers efficient and intelligent optimization that increases accuracy and boosts productivity.


Digitize and Standardize Operational Processes.

Digitize and Standardize Operational Processes.

Streamline your operations by digitizing your standard operating procedures and processes. With Ox's platform, you can easily convert your existing SOPs into digital formats, allowing for easier access, updates, and collaboration among your teams.

By digitizing your procedures, you can ensure consistency, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency in your operations.


Enhance Efficiency with Workflow-Based Applications.

Enhance Efficiency with Workflow-Based Applications.

Take your standard operating procedures to the next level by transforming them into workflow-based applications. With Ox's platform, you can design and implement customized workflows that guide your operators through each step of a process.

By providing clear instructions and automating task assignments, you can eliminate confusion, reduce downtime, and increase overall efficiency in your operations.


Optimize Workloads with
AI-Powered Allocation.

Optimize Workloads with
AI-Powered Allocation.

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to optimize workload allocation. With Ox's AI capabilities, you can intelligently assign tasks and distribute workloads based on real-time data, operator availability, and priority levels.

By optimizing workload allocation, you can ensure that tasks are assigned to the right operators at the right time, maximizing productivity and minimizing bottlenecks in your operations.


Gain Insight from Real-Time Operational Monitoring.

Gain Insight from Real-Time Operational Monitoring.

Monitor and analyze your operational performance in real-time with Ox's platform. Track key metrics, such as productivity, accuracy, and cycle times, and gain valuable insights into your operations.

By having access to real-time data and analytics, you can identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and drive continuous optimization in your operations.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.