





Onboard your operators quickly to meet customer demand.


Onboard your operators quickly to meet customer demand.


Process Demonstration Mode Gives Your Operators Confidence.

Process Demonstration Mode Gives Your Operators Confidence.

With Ox's process demonstration mode, operators can familiarize themselves with new processes and gain confidence in their execution. This feature allows operators to simulate and practice workflows in a controlled environment, ensuring they understand each step and can perform tasks accurately.

By providing this hands-on experience, Ox empowers operators to approach their work with confidence, reducing errors and improving overall productivity.


Enable Workers to Complete Tasks with Natural Language Understanding.

Enable Workers to Complete Tasks with Natural Language Understanding.

Ox leverages natural language understanding to enable workers to interact with the system using everyday language. This eliminates the need for complex commands or technical jargon, making it easier for operators to communicate with the platform and complete tasks efficiently.

By understanding and interpreting natural language, Ox enhances the user experience and minimizes the learning curve for operators, allowing them to focus on their work without being hindered by complicated interfaces or instructions.


Train Operators on One Workflow System to Complete Any Process.

Train Operators on One Workflow System to Complete Any Process.

With Ox's unified workflow system, operators can be trained on a single platform that can handle multiple processes. This eliminates the need for operators to learn and switch between different systems for different tasks, saving time and reducing the potential for errors.

By providing a consistent and intuitive interface, Ox ensures that operators can seamlessly navigate through various processes without the need for extensive retraining. This streamlined approach increases efficiency, reduces training overhead, and allows operators to adapt quickly to new tasks or changes in workflows.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.

Apply now for an operational productivity assessment.